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What are the replacement rules of rectifier bridge?

How to replace ABS packages such as chip mounted rectifier bridges abs2, abs4, ABS6?

Replacement of rectifier bridge model: as for the replacement of abs2, abs4 and ABS6, from the perspective of electrical parameters, the electrical parameters of abs2, abs4 and ABS6 are 1a200v, 1a400v and 1a600v. Therefore, according to their different withstand voltage capabilities, abs4 can replace abs2, but abs2 cannot replace abs4; ABS6 can replace abs4 and abs2, but abs2 and abs4 cannot replace ABS6. In fact, such a complex relationship is because these are uncommon chip mounted rectifier bridge models. Generally speaking, they will uniformly select a large amount of rectifier bridge models to ensure a large safety margin during power on and prevent machine explosion.

In short, the replacement principle of rectifier bridge mainly depends on the electrical parameters of rectifier bridge. The large electrical parameters can be replaced by the small ones, and vice versa! Not only the rectifier bridge, the replacement of many ordinary diodes also needs to follow this principle. Please refer to the product specification for details.

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